Thunder Rosa On Mandy Rose: Im Even More Excited Now To See What Is Next For Her

Publish date: 2024-04-30

Former AEW Women’s World Champion believes the world is Mandy Rose‘s oyster following her WWE release earlier this week.

Friday’s episode of Busted Open Radio, Dave LaGreca and Thunder Rosa spoke about the WWE release of former NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose. The All Elite Wrestling star spoke highly of Mandy Rose and previewed what we might see from her next in the world of professional wrestling.

“Times are changing, and a lot of things are changing,” Thunder Rosa said. “I mean, we know when we sign our contracts and when they give us certain parameters that we have to follow them. And we choose to do certain things, and sometimes we push the envelope, but I don’t want people to take away all the work that Mandy has done in the ring and how much she advanced in her ring skills and everything else as a professional wrestler.

“I don’t want that to take that away because she is an athlete. She’s a wonderful athlete. She’s dedicated to what she’s done. And having other ventures, like monetary ventures, is not a bad thing. I don’t think that. And it’s unfortunate that she was released, and I literally was sending her an Instagram message before I heard any of the news, and I feel so stupid afterward.

“But I just wanted her to know that I was like, as a professional wrestler, I’m very proud of what she’s done in NXT and all the hard work that she put in there. And when I got the news, I was like, oh man; this is messed up. Like I was really excited to see what was next for her, but I’m even more excited now to see what is next for her because, again, she has an opportunity.

“She has all her ventures. She has a cosmetics line separated from this, the donuts [DaMandys]; now her FanTime can go like up to the roof because I know that she’s probably making a lot of dough. So again, it’s not like she doesn’t have anything and she’s well sought for a lot of people. I mean, she has a huge following. People like what she’s doing. And her and her fiance have a fitness program.

“So I mean, again, they use an opportunity when this kind of thing happens; it gives you an opportunity to really branch out and see what you really want to do, and like you mentioned with Sasha Banks, that’s what she’s doing. I mean, she has Hollywood; she’s a top star. Everybody knows her everywhere in the world. So the world is their oyster now. They just have to open it up and dive in and get the treasures out of it.”

Thunder Rosa also went on the record to say if Mandy Rose joined All Elite Wrestling in 2023, she wanted to be the first woman to step into the ring with her because of the respect she has for her as a performer.

What do you make of Thunder Rosa’s comments? Would you like to see Mandy Rose in All Elite Wrestling? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.
