The Sad Truth About Woody Allen's Marriage To Soon-Yi Previn

Publish date: 2024-04-13

According to Vox, Farrow filed for custody of her three children with Allen, including Dylan, Satchel, and Moses, soon after Dylan revealed that she had been molested. Esquire explains that Allen gave a press conference denying the claims and stated that Farrow was manipulating their daughter as a form of revenge for his relationship with Soon-Yi. Regarding her relationship with Allen, Previn told Newsweek that "I admit that it's offbeat, but let's not get hysterical. I'm not a retarded underage flower who was raped, molested and spoiled by some evil stepfather — not by a long shot." In June 1993, Allen lost custody of his three children.

USA Today writes that Allen has never been charged with molesting Dylan. Furthermore, he continues to deny the allegations. In 2021, in light of the release of "Allen v. Farrow," he told CBS Sunday Morning that "It's so preposterous, and yet the smear has remained." He added "And they still prefer to cling to if not the notion that I molested Dylan, the possibility that I molested her. Nothing that I ever did with Dylan in my life could be misconstrued as that."

In 2018, Soon-Yi told Vulture that the molestation accusations brought her and Allen closer. She also revealed that she felt guilty for engaging in a relationship with her mother's boyfriend but went on to say that she knew she was in love with Allen after their first kiss.
