What kind of world champion Scott Hall could have been?

Publish date: 2024-05-07
Scott Hall seemed to be groomed for world championship status during his early days in the AWA. In every promo I saw him in, they would recognize him as "The big man". Compared to the AWA roster at the time, I can see why they were so invested in him. He was freaking huge. I don't know exactly why he went to WCW, but looking at how AWA turned out I really don't blame him.

WCW didn't seem to want to do anything relevant with Scott Hall. He was The Diamond Studd and ran around with DDP. From what I could tell, they pushed him to the moon with wins over former NWA champions until they just stopped caring and turned him into another mid-card jobber. I don't blame him for leaving WCW either, whatever the reason might have been.

I think making Scott Hall into a Tony Montana clone was a mistake. Those in the know recognize that Scott Hall was the one who came up with "The Bad Guy" gimmick, I don't think Scott had the idea of being gussied up in 1980s douche clothes and to imitate a Cuban accent. I think being "The Bad Guy" Scott Hall would have worked a lot better than being The Diamond Studd with a Caribbean Hispanic accent. I don't hate the Razor Ramon character, I'm just saying that it was a camp interpretation of a gimmick that I think would have worked a lot better.

I don't know for certain that drugs and alcohol were the only cause of his downfall, they obviously over-shadowed everything else that was going on with him. I think if he was CM Punk levels of clean through his run, and didn't have the Razor Ramon gimmick, he would have been a world champion mainstay.

In WCW, he was screwed regardless of his physical health. He was an amazing entertainer, but he had to entertain while riding the coattails of Hogan. If he hadn't been taken off tv for getting wasted before shows, I think he would have floundered back and forth from the mid-card to an occasional world title match.

As a world champion of any of those companies, I think Scott Hall would have benefited from coming clean with the fans about his past. As a performer he was better than decent, I think he would have earned a place in our hearts as a great world champion if he opened up to the fans about his demons.

The man truly had all the potential to be a future world champion when he was at his prime, when he started slipping he never recovered until it was too late. I feel bad for him, but then it's a good sign that in spite of everything the fans still love him. I'm sure a lot of people on here were part of the crowd-funding that paid for Scott's hip surgery.
