The Meaning Behind The Song: Demons by Get Scared

Publish date: 2024-04-20

In “Demons”, the title track from the 2015 album by Get Scared, lead singer Nicholas Matthews candidly expresses the overwhelming anguish he feels from battling his inner demons. As the chorus plays out, he desperately pleads to be left alone, as he feels trapped in a cycle of self-destruction and impending doom.

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The song begins with the haunting lines “Feel the fucking pain and anguish pouring over me, Am I insane or am I drowning in the agony?” These opening lyrics immediately set the tone for the emotional intensity that radiates throughout the track. The use of profanity amplifies the rawness of the emotions being conveyed, creating a sense of urgency and desperation.

In the verses, Matthews questions his existence, asking, “Am I alive or just breathing? Cast like a stone out to sea.” These lines speak to the feeling of detachment and isolation that many people who struggle with their demons can relate to. The imagery of being cast out to sea emphasizes the sense of being adrift, without direction or purpose.

The chorus of “Demons” reflects the pain of feeling misunderstood and rejected. Matthews laments, “And I swear it never had to end like this, If I could just pretend I’m not those things that you resent, my friends, Just leave me here for dead.” This chorus captures the despair of someone who feels like their true self is not accepted or valued by those around them.

The bridge of the song introduces the idea of the monsters that reside within Matthews’ mind. He sings, “The monsters under my bed won’t seem to leave me alone, They sleep inside of my head, Deceive to leave but they won’t.” This imagery perfectly captures the internal struggles and battles that many people face when dealing with their personal demons. The metaphorical monsters represent the intrusive thoughts and negative emotions that can consume a person’s mind.

As the song nears its end, Matthews repeats the line “Into the deep end”, driving home the message that he feels like he is falling deeper and deeper into a place of darkness and despair. The repetition of this phrase creates a sense of hopelessness and finality.

For me, personally, “Demons” resonates deeply. I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house during a period of my life when I was grappling with my own inner struggles. The haunting melody and honest lyrics captivated me from the first listen. It felt like the song was giving voice to the pain and anguish that I couldn’t articulate on my own.

The raw emotion conveyed in “Demons” allows listeners to connect with their own struggles and find solace in knowing they are not alone. Through this song, Get Scared creates a powerful and cathartic experience, inviting us to face our own demons and find strength in embracing who we truly are.


Written By: John “Johnny B” Braddock, Dan Juarez, Adam Virostko, Bradley Iverson & Nicholas Matthews

Release Date: October 30, 2015
