Internet personality takes aim at Dolph Ziggler

Publish date: 2024-04-26

Publish date: 2024-01-02

What’s the story?

Internet personality Trisha Paytas has taken aim at WWE Superstar Dolph Ziggler in a video that she posted on Youtube.

The 29-year old Paytas called out Dolph Ziggler for standing her up on a date and even referred to him as a ‘F***boy’.

In case you didn’t know...

Trisha Paytas is an American internet star and actress best known for posting videos on the web about day-to-day affairs including her encounters and experiences with people

Paytas claimed that she and Ziggler were supposed to go out on a date, and she also spoke about her other encounters with the longtime WWE Superstar.

The heart of the matter

Trisha Paytas went on a rant that elucidated on her encounter with Dolph Ziggler. The famous Youtuber also called out the former World Heavyweight Champion for allegedly standing her up on a date.

Here are a few excerpts from her statements:

“He’s not that hot and honestly I can’t remember the sex so it must’ve not been that good.”

Taking shots at wrestling being fake and at Dolph Ziggler’s career, Paytas added:

“Wrestling’s f***ing fake. He’s a 37 year old man who’s not a God, who is leaving wrestling soon anyway.”

Meanwhile, here’s an update on what Dolph Ziggler had been doing after he allegedly stood up Paytas on a date:

Also read: 5 ways WWE can fully maximise Dolph Ziggler

Author’s take

Dolph Ziggler has been accused of a lot of things over the course of his long and storied WWE career, however, we as fans ought to know our bounds and accord him respect regardless of what he does in his personal life.

The allegations as mentioned above from Trisha Paytas haven’t been proved as of yet, and irrespective of what happens between the duo in the future, we wish the best for Ziggler from this point moving forward.

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