Who Owns LIV Golf? Liv Golf Company History

Publish date: 2024-04-24

LIV Golf is a professional golf tour that has gained significant attention since its founding in 2021. As a newcomer to the golfing world, many are curious about the ownership and history of this exciting venture.

Let’s delve into the origins and ownership of LIV Golf to gain a better understanding of this dynamic organization.

Key Takeaways:

LIV Golf’s Beginnings and Formation

LIV Golf traces its origins back to the Premier Golf League, which was established in 2019 with the aim of challenging the dominance of the PGA Tour. However, the league encountered resistance from the PGA Tour and faced potential restrictions. As a result, it underwent a transformation and rebranded itself as LIV Golf Investments, securing funding from Golf Saudi, a division of the Public Investment Fund. Greg Norman, a renowned professional golfer, was appointed as the CEO of LIV Golf Investments.

In 2021, LIV Golf officially launched as an independent tour, with its inaugural event taking place in 2022. This marked the beginning of LIV Golf’s journey to establish itself as a prominent force in the world of professional golf. The tour’s formation and subsequent launch signify a new chapter in the sport’s landscape, offering a fresh and exciting alternative to traditional golf tournaments.

With its unique beginnings and innovative approach, LIV Golf has quickly captured the attention of golf enthusiasts worldwide. The tour’s formation, backed by the Public Investment Fund, highlights the significant investment and commitment made to propel the growth and development of LIV Golf as a global brand.

Stay tuned for more insights into the fascinating journey of LIV Golf and the impact it continues to make in the world of professional golf.

LIV Golf Investments – Key Milestones

2019Establishment of the Premier Golf League
2021LIV Golf Investments officially launched
2022Inaugural LIV Golf event

LIV Golf’s Ownership

LIV Golf, the renowned professional golf tour, is owned by the Public Investment Fund, the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia. As a significant stakeholder, the fund provides crucial financial backing that supports the tour’s operations and development.

The ownership of LIV Golf has, however, attracted criticism and controversy due to the public image of the Saudi monarchy and its reputation for corruption and human rights abuses. These concerns have sparked debates concerning the ethical and moral implications of the tour’s association with the Saudi monarchy.

Despite the controversies surrounding LIV Golf’s ownership, the tour continues to strive for excellence and maintain its position as a prominent player in the global golfing landscape.

liv golf ownership

Key Points:

LIV Golf’s Format and Events

LIV Golf currently operates as the LIV Golf League, offering golf enthusiasts a thrilling and competitive experience. The league showcases a unique format that keeps players and fans on the edge of their seats.

The 2024 LIV Golf League features a series of 54-hole no-cut stroke play tournaments, where players compete for the coveted championship title. The absence of a cut ensures that every participant has an equal opportunity to showcase their skills throughout the event.

One of the highlights of the LIV Golf League is the final Team Championship, where the top-performing players come together to represent their respective teams in a thrilling showdown. This team-based event adds an extra layer of excitement and camaraderie to the competition.

Tournament Format

The LIV Golf League utilizes a promotion and relegation system, creating an environment of intense competition and constant striving for excellence. By rewarding exceptional performance and providing opportunities for advancement, the league motivates players to push their limits and elevate their game.

Additionally, LIV Golf maintains a comprehensive rankings list that showcases the top players in the league. This list serves as a benchmark of success, providing players with a clear picture of their standing and igniting their competitive spirit even further.

The events are meticulously scheduled to ensure minimal conflicts with major championships, premier tournaments of the PGA Tour, and international team events. This strategic planning allows players to fully participate in the LIV Golf League and showcase their skills on a global platform.

Prize Fund

The LIV Golf League boasts an impressive prize fund of $405 million, placing it among the most lucrative golf competitions in the world. This substantial reward not only recognizes players’ exceptional performances but also underscores the league’s commitment to elevating the sport and attracting top talent.

liv golf event format

As seen in the table above, players receive substantial monetary rewards for their achievements, creating a competitive and financially rewarding atmosphere within the LIV Golf League. The generous prize fund serves as a testament to the league’s dedication to elevating the sport and providing a platform for players to excel.

Overall, the format and events of the LIV Golf League deliver an exhilarating and highly competitive golfing experience. With its unique gameplay structure, dynamic team championship, and impressive prize fund, the league continues to captivate audiences and cement its position as a leading force in the world of golf.

LIV Golf’s Broadcasting Rights

LIV Golf has established partnerships with various broadcasting networks and streaming services to ensure the global distribution of its events. These broadcasting partners play a vital role in bringing high-quality coverage of LIV Golf tournaments to audiences around the world.

United States:

In the United States, LIV Golf has secured a broadcasting deal with The CW, a well-known broadcast network. This partnership allows golf enthusiasts in the US to enjoy live coverage and highlights of LIV Golf events on their television screens.

International Partners:

Internationally, LIV Golf has teamed up with several prominent broadcasting partners, ensuring that the excitement of LIV Golf reaches fans across continents.

DAZN: The popular video streaming service DAZN has signed a deal with LIV Golf to broadcast its tournaments to a global audience. DAZN’s extensive reach and user-friendly platform make it a preferred choice for fans to catch the latest LIV Golf action.

ServusTV: LIV Golf has partnered with ServusTV in Germany and Austria. As a leading television channel in the region, ServusTV brings LIV Golf events to golf enthusiasts in these countries, enhancing the sport’s reach among local audiences.

Eleven Sports: In Italy, LIV Golf has joined forces with Eleven Sports, an established sports broadcaster. The collaboration ensures that Italian fans can experience the thrill of LIV Golf events through comprehensive coverage and expert analysis.

Claro Sports: LIV Golf has expanded its presence in Latin America through a broadcasting partnership with Claro Sports. Golf enthusiasts in the region can stay connected to LIV Golf action and witness their favorite players competing at the highest level.

GameTV and CHCH-TV: In Canada, LIV Golf has joined forces with GameTV and CHCH-TV, providing Canadian viewers with access to live coverage and highlights of LIV Golf tournaments. These partnerships offer golf fans an exciting opportunity to follow their favorite players and witness the intensity of LIV Golf events firsthand.

These broadcasting partnerships enable LIV Golf to reach a vast audience, showcasing the sport’s finest moments and elevating the overall viewing experience. Whether through traditional television networks or innovative streaming services, the collaboration between LIV Golf and its broadcasting partners ensures that golf enthusiasts worldwide can witness the excitement and competitiveness of LIV Golf tournaments.

liv golf broadcasting partners

LIV Golf’s Player Signups

LIV Golf has seen an impressive influx of high-profile players signing up for its tour. These players, consisting of major champions and former world number ones, have recognized the unique opportunities and benefits offered by LIV Golf. Some notable players who have joined the tour include:

These players have embraced the vision of LIV Golf and the chance to compete in a cutting-edge golf tour. They bring their exceptional skills and talent to the tour, further elevating its reputation in the golfing world.

Additionally, some players have made the bold decision to resign from the PGA Tour in order to participate in LIV Golf. These players have expressed their desire for increased control and flexibility in choosing when and where to compete. By joining LIV Golf, they have found the freedom to pursue their golfing careers while enjoying the unique opportunities provided by the tour.

However, it’s important to note that not all players have been receptive to joining LIV Golf. Despite lucrative offers and the allure of the tour, notable players such as Tiger Woods have declined to participate. Each player has their own personal considerations and criteria for making career decisions.

The table below showcases some of the players who have signed up for LIV Golf:

PlayerNationalityMajor Championships
Dustin JohnsonUnited States2
Sergio GarcíaSpain1
Phil MickelsonUnited States6
Brooks KoepkaUnited States4
Lee WestwoodEngland0
Bryson DeChambeauUnited States1

liv golf player signups

The image above emphasizes the growing roster of talented players who have chosen to be a part of LIV Golf’s exciting journey.

Controversies Surrounding LIV Golf

LIV Golf, since its inception, has been marred by significant controversy and criticism. The tour’s association with the Saudi monarchy and the Public Investment Fund has raised serious concerns and drawn scrutiny from various quarters. The primary point of contention revolves around Saudi Arabia’s human rights record and allegations of sportswashing.

Human rights groups argue that LIV Golf is merely a political strategy employed by Saudi Arabia to improve its tarnished global image. Critics question the tour’s association with the repressive Saudi government, accusing CEO Greg Norman of aiding the regime for personal financial gain.

The recent merger between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour has further fueled controversy and sparked outrage among golfers and fans alike. Many have expressed concerns about the integrity of the sport and the underlying motivations driving such a partnership.

These controversies surrounding LIV Golf have cast a shadow over the tour, raising questions about its ethical standing and impact on the golfing world.

liv golf controversies

The Merger Between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour

The PGA Tour and LIV Golf have recently reached an agreement to merge their commercial operations, bringing together two influential entities in the world of professional golf. This strategic collaboration aims to leverage the strengths and resources of both tours, with the goal of creating a unified and globally impactful golf organization.

The merger is still in its early stages, and many details are yet to be finalized. However, the agreement has already sparked significant controversy and backlash within the golf community. Golfers and fans alike have raised concerns about the potential impact of the merger on the sport and the underlying motivations driving this decision.

The LIV Golf PGA Tour merger has generated a great deal of discussion and speculation. Critics of the merger worry about the potential commercialization and corporatization of golf, as well as the potential dilution of the sport’s longstanding traditions. Others express concerns about the increasing influence of financial interests on the sport and the potential for a loss of competitive integrity.

On the other hand, proponents of the merger highlight the opportunities for growth and innovation that it may bring. They argue that combining the worldwide reach and resources of both tours could lead to the development of a stronger, more accessible, and more exciting golfing product for fans around the globe.

As the merger progresses, it remains to be seen how it will ultimately reshape the golfing landscape. The impact on players, tournaments, and the overall fan experience is yet to be determined. One thing is certain, though—the LIV Golf PGA Tour merger has set the stage for a new chapter in professional golf, fueling debates and discussions that will continue to shape the future of the sport.

Reaction to the Merger and Future Outlook

The merger between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour has garnered significant attention and sparked diverse reactions within the golfing community. Supporters and critics alike have expressed their opinions on the deal, shaping the discourse around the future of both LIV Golf and the PGA Tour.

Many enthusiasts and industry experts view the merger as a potential catalyst for growth and innovation in the golfing world. They anticipate that the collaboration between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour will bring together the strengths and resources of both entities, leading to an enhanced fan experience and a more competitive global golf landscape. The consolidation of resources and expertise has the potential to elevate the sport to new heights, attracting a wider audience and driving increased participation.

However, there are also concerns and reservations voiced by some individuals regarding the commercialization of the sport and the potential negative consequences of this merger. Critics argue that the focus on financial gain and broadcast rights could overshadow the essence of the game, compromising its integrity and purity. There are apprehensions about the potential impact on player rankings, scheduling conflicts, and the overall competitive nature of professional golf. Some fear that the merger may prioritize profit over the sport’s traditional values and fan loyalty.

As the merger progresses, the future of LIV Golf and the PGA Tour remains uncertain. The evolving tour’s direction will play a pivotal role in shaping the golfing world and its impact on players, fans, and industry stakeholders. The collective understanding, implementation of feedback, and adaptability will determine the success of this collaboration, ultimately shaping the future of professional golf.

LIV Golf’s Impact on the Golfing World

LIV Golf has had a profound influence on the golfing world since its establishment. With its association with the Saudi monarchy and substantial financial backing, the tour has garnered attention from players, fans, and industry insiders alike. LIV Golf’s unique format and exciting events have injected a fresh level of thrill and competition into professional golf, captivating audiences around the globe.

However, alongside its successes, LIV Golf has encountered controversies and recently made headlines with its merger with the PGA Tour. These developments have sparked discussions and raised important questions about the future direction of the sport and the ethical considerations involved.

The emergence of LIV Golf has brought about significant changes in the golf industry. The tour’s innovative approach and ability to attract top talent have pushed other golf organizations to reconsider their own strategies. The impact of LIV Golf’s influence on the golf industry cannot be understated.

Enhancing the Golfing Experience

LIV Golf’s format and events have redefined the golfing experience, offering a fresh and thrilling alternative to traditional tournaments. The tour’s 54-hole no-cut stroke play tournaments and the final Team Championship event create intense competition, keeping fans on the edge of their seats. The promotion and relegation system and rankings list add an exciting dynamic to player performances, inspiring athletes to push themselves to new heights.

Furthermore, LIV Golf’s substantial prize fund of $405 million incentivizes players to give their best, adding another layer of excitement to the already intense competition. The tour has successfully created an atmosphere where every shot matters, capturing the attention of both avid golf fans and casual viewers.

LIV Golf's Impact on the Golfing World

The Ethical Debate

While LIV Golf has made significant strides in revolutionizing professional golf, its association with the Saudi monarchy and the controversy surrounding the nation’s human rights record have sparked serious ethical debates. Critics argue that LIV Golf’s partnership with the Saudi monarchy serves as a form of sportswashing, aiming to improve Saudi Arabia’s global image through the world of sports.

The merger between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour has further fueled these debates. Golfers, fans, and industry insiders have expressed concerns about the impact on the golfing world, questioning the motivations and implications of the merger. The integrity of the sport and the values it represents have been topics of intense discussion.

LIV Golf’s Impact:PositiveNegative
Influence on Player SigningsAttracts top talent and international participationSome players reject lucrative offers due to ethical concerns
Exciting Event FormatIntroduces unique and thrilling tournamentsRaises ethical questions about association with the Saudi monarchy
Innovation in Professional GolfPushes other organizations to reconsider their strategiesRaises concerns about the commercialization of the sport

As the golfing world moves forward, the impact of LIV Golf’s presence and influence will continue to shape the industry. The onus lies on players, fans, governing bodies, and industry leaders to navigate the complex landscape and ensure the sport’s integrity and values are upheld.


In conclusion, the ownership of LIV Golf lies with the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia. The tour has made significant strides in the golfing world, attracting attention with its unique format, top-notch player signings, and strategic broadcasting partnerships.

However, it is not without its fair share of controversies. LIV Golf has faced criticism and backlash due to its association with the Saudi monarchy and the allegations of sportswashing. The recent merger with the PGA Tour has further stirred debates about the future of the sport and the underlying motivations behind such a collaboration.

As the golfing world continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how LIV Golf will impact the industry. Will it usher in a new era of golfing excellence and innovation, or will its controversies undermine its potential growth and tarnish the sport’s integrity? Only time will tell.


Who owns LIV Golf?

LIV Golf is owned by the Public Investment Fund, the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia.

What is the history of LIV Golf?

LIV Golf was founded in 2021 and had its inaugural season in 2022. It started as the Premier Golf League in 2019 but changed its name to LIV Golf and received funding from Golf Saudi, a division of the Public Investment Fund.

Who is the founder of LIV Golf?

The founder of LIV Golf is Greg Norman, a former professional golfer.

What is the current season of LIV Golf?

The current season is the 2024 LIV Golf League.

Who are LIV Golf’s broadcasting partners?

LIV Golf has broadcasting deals with The CW in the United States, DAZN internationally, ServusTV in Germany and Austria, Eleven Sports in Italy, Claro Sports in Latin America, GameTV and CHCH-TV in Canada.

Which high-profile players have joined LIV Golf?

Notable players who have joined LIV Golf include Dustin Johnson, Sergio García, Phil Mickelson, Brooks Koepka, Lee Westwood, and Bryson DeChambeau.

What are the controversies surrounding LIV Golf?

LIV Golf has faced criticism for its association with the Saudi monarchy and allegations of sportswashing. The tour has also been accused of being a political strategy to improve Saudi Arabia’s global image.

What is the merger between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour?

LIV Golf and the PGA Tour have agreed to merge their commercial operations to create a unified global golf entity. The details of the merger are still being finalized.

What is the reaction to the merger and the future outlook?

The merger between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour has sparked both support and criticism. The future of the merged entity is uncertain, and its impact on the sport remains to be seen.

What is the impact of LIV Golf on the golfing world?

LIV Golf has made a significant impact with its innovative format, high-profile players, and broadcasting partnerships. However, it has also raised questions about the sport’s direction and ethical considerations.
