RVD Never Met Tony Khan Before His AEW Debut

Publish date: 2024-03-21

RVD showed up on AEW television, and that was a big surprise for some fans. Although it was previously reported that AEW was booking the Whole F’n Show, a lot of things came together in an interesting order, as is often the case in AEW.

Tony Khan has inked deals with a ton of talent over the past years, but that doesn’t mean he knew all of them beforehand. In fact, he never met a majority of them face to face before they debuted on television. RVD is in that group of talent.

While talking to Premier Streaming Network, RVD mentioned that AEW put him in trailer and tried to tuck him away in a room by himself, even using a wheelchair in the process.

RVD also had to combat the fan narrative that he is too old and fragile. Obviously, this didn’t bother him because age isn’t anything to him.

That being said, Rob Van Dam also revealed that the never met with Tony Khan until he actually showed up. He didn’t reveal any details about their agreement, but we can only expect that things can always change if TK decides to do something long term with him.

RVD also revealed that AEW didn’t get permission to use Pantera’s “Walk” until about an hour before he debuted on the show. Things came together as they did, and it created AEW history.

Only time will tell what is next for RVD. He could win Jack Perry’s FTW Title and retire it, just as he teased. Fans will have to tune in on AEW Dynamite this week to see what is going to happen with this situation as the company continues to book toward an All In London event on August 27th in Wembley Stadium.

What’s your take on RVD in AEW? Do you think he will do big things? Sound off in the comments to let us know what you think!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
