Here's That Hi-Res Sword Coast Map | Page 4

Publish date: 2024-04-29
If that resource wasn't also available for sale directly from the artist, I think it would be different. Not only are the people who support the charity giving a donation, Mike Schley is also giving a donation by making it free for this specific cause. I don't think it has anything to do with what people can afford or not. Is anyone at home surfing on their high-speed Internet connection capable of downloading a large file like that seriously unable to afford a donation?

My goal wasn't to try to make people look bad, but to remind them that the whole point was to raise money for a specific charity. The wording evidently came off wrong and I should have said something more like, "If you like the map, please consider making a donation to the Miracle Network Hospital." Even if you only donated $1, how many fans does D&D have around the world?
