What Happened to You that Forty Died? when Will James Scully Return for Season 3?

Publish date: 2024-03-27

People don’t always know what they want, and you’re living proof of that. Whether it’s a convergence of networks not knowing how to sell a show properly, or a series not coming out at the right time, or a little bit of both, there are dozens of examples of shows on mainstream networks finding a second life on Netflix. Take Penn Badgley’s You, which saw a massive revival thanks to the online video service.

The third season is one of the most anticipated for the content provider right now, but one of the biggest questions fans have going into it is how forty died in the second.

How Did Forty Die in ‘You?’

Forty is a character that split a lot of You viewers straight down the middle, with his character development impacting some very peripatetic feelings on others. At first glance, Forty seems like a spoiled brat who is overly dependent on his sister, who has the equally out-of-the-ordinary moniker “Love.”

Later on, though, he becomes one of the few who not only guesses but almost confirms that Joe is a nasty killer. And in the season finale, Forty confronts Joe, holding a gun. Forty is shot dead by Detective Fincher just as he is about to kill the show’s protagonist.

how did forty die in you

It’s standard TV, but it’s sort of weak that Forty needed to build up the courage for an impassioned monologue before he finally confronted Joe about his fear. However, Forty wanted to persuade his sister that Joe is a dreadful, awful human being before he squeezed the gun due to his strangely close relationship with Love and the fact that she was emotionally attached to Joe.

It didn’t end well for Forty, though. Even though Joe acknowledges to Ellie that he was the one to kill Henderson (the only person he divulges this too), Detective Fincher names Forty as the main criminal suspect.

Despite Henderson’s checkered past with minors, there seems to be more than enough evidence to demonstrate Ellie had good reason to clean Henderson’s clock.

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Does Love, Like Her Brother Forty, Perish at The End of Season 3 of ‘you?

Spoilers for Episodes in Season 3 of You Follow.

Even if Love and Joe start a new life together in the suburbs, the fact that they are both killers is likely a prescription for catastrophe, especially given Love’s history of murdering ex-lovers.

Joe confesses to Love near the end of the third season of You that he has feelings for Marienne and wants a divorce.

Love completely comprehends Joe’s perspective and agrees to the divorce; the two are able to work through their differences in a healthy manner, co-parent their son in a loving and cordial manner, and ultimately overcome their difficulties.

how did forty die in you

Of course not; in fact, quite the contrary is true. Because he dared to abandon her and their kid, Love poisons the man who fathered her child with Wolfsbane (the same way she killed her ex.)

Joe, however, is aware that she can kill with poison and injected himself with adrenaline before the previous meal. He acts immobilized in order to anticipate Love’s next action.

When she rushes to take a butcher knife to kill him, bam, he smacks her with aconite.

Like her annoying little brother, love can’t be saved. Joe hacks off a pair of toes to fake his own death and then high-tails it to Paris and changes his name. Oh, and he ultimately leaves his son in Dante’s care (played by Ben Mehl). It’s the most anyone can hope for from You in terms of a happy ending.

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So how Did You Lose Forty?

In the Season Two Conclusion, Officer Fincher (Danny Vasquez) Shoots and Kills Forty.

As the season goes on, the writer and director become a major irritant for Joe since he is so protective of his sister. However, he also counts on her to diffuse numerous problematic situations he gets himself into.

After some time, however, he and Joe make up, and Joe decides to help Forty adapt Beck’s (Elizabeth Lail) novel. Their bond grows to the point that they continue hanging together even after Joe and Love’s temporary breakup.

The information in Beck’s book, however, leads Forty to assume that her ex murdered her, with Dr. Nicky receiving unfair blame (John Stamos). Joe’s former partner Candace provides him with information that points to him as the real murderer.

how did forty die in you

Forty is prompted to pay the innocent man a visit in prison, where he advises his curious brother to avoid Joe. Forty ignores the warnings and keeps digging into the matter, eventually tracking down Joe at the store his family owns.

Forty’s sister, who is pregnant, begs him to put down the gun during the confrontation with the predator. Yet, it’s shown that Forty understands Love is a killer.

Unfortunately for Forty, he’s shot out by a bullet fired by Officer Fincher before he can take action against the warped couple.
